Friday, November 12, 2010

Education is Art at Delphi Academy

Marjorie Belizarie
Some would say an education without art is not an education.Some of our greatest thinkers in history were artists and art brings us a level of social awareness unobtainable with just the three Rs.

At Delphi Academy art is integrated daily for all levels, teaching important values and lessons from cultures around the world.  Last month, second graders at Delphi learned about our Hispanic Heritage and rendered portraits of famous Hispanic Americans.

Practical application of Math and Science can be brought to life with art in the many shapes and forms it can take.  At the very least, teaching a student to observe and appreciate his fellow man’s expression is fundamental in learning tolerance and compassion.

Art Teacher, Marjorie Belizaire, brings life and learning to Delphi Academy.  Marjorie, mother of three children, all attending Delphi, has a passion about teaching art that is evident in the students’ work.

Holding degrees in Art and Art Administration from UMass Amherst and Boston University, Marjorie believes, “Anyone can do art, and anything can be accomplished in the arts.”

Aside from using a simple and effective approach, Marjorie engages the children in the history of the arts and the artists themselves.  She gears the lessons not only on the age of the class but also on what really interests them in life.  Inspired by seasons, historical events and specific artists’ work, Ms. Marjorie, as the students call her, also enriches the children’s sense of cultural awareness and the artistic application of the their reading, math or science knowledge.

Whether it’s painting, drawing or sculpting, Ms. Marjorie makes art fun for students at Delphi from ages 2.9 – 14.  At Delphi Academy, learning is alive, and nothing is more alive than the creative expressions of mankind.  

Salvador Dali by Edward Wu, age 7

Self-­‐Portrait by Matthew Shoneye, age 8