Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Delphi Academy Promotes Gifts that Change Lives

Do you have children? Do you know someone with educational frustrations?

Give these books as gifts and you'll see lives brighten, discipline problems fade and students becoming self-reliant learners as they learn how to deal with the barriers we all face in study. 

Learning How to Learn is designed for parents and teachers to teach children to recognize commonly found barriers to learning. The book also gives the practical knowledge to overcoming these barriers. The result is children who love to learn and can apply any subject to their lives. $14.95

How to Use a Dictionary  is based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard. The use of a dictionary is an almost universally overlooked fundamental in learning, but its full use is priceless. Students are frequently blocked in school by confusions in understanding words, and these confusions can be cleared up by using a dictionary. This unique book provides the missing link within education-- the understanding of terms, symbols and abbreviations contained in dictionaries. $19.95

Study Skills for Life is designed to help students understand and apply any subject; students who can think for themselves and develop  a love for learning. Learning is a process of knowing how to learn and understand so that students can use the information in their lives. Without the ability to learn, the goals student have set for themselves are blocked. This book helps students achieve their goals in life through true education. $14.95

The Basic Study Manual is vital to adults, college students and trainers in today's competitive workplace. Their future success depends on their ability to learn. This book gives the skills needed to open the door to learning and life. The book addresses the underlying reasons for academic failures. The materials in this book, delineate the primary barriers to learning and how to overcome them with practical application procedures and methods. This is the fundamental breakthrough to study and how to learn effectively. $21.95

Grammar and Communication presents grammar in a logical, step-by-step sequence. It helps students understand the basic building blocks of the English language and how to use those building blocks to better communicate, express their thoughts and understand what they read. This book enables students to learn grammar, not as an arduous set of classroom rules, but as something for use in conveying their thoughts through language. $24.95

Order Now! For more information, please contact Victoria Sene at Delphi Academy (617) 333-9610 or victoria@delphiboston.org.

Visit us at www.delphiboston.org.